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Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi 150th birth anniversary celebration

Our College has been conducted Initiate Seed Collection, Plant Protection and Plant Growth Monitoring awareness programme on 27.09.2018. Elucidated by our Agricultural college professor, our students have been participated in this programme. In our student teachers it knows about a seed collection and seed bank. There are many reasons to store seeds. One is to have available the genes that plant breeders need to increase yield, disease resistance, drought tolerance, nutritional quality, taste, etc. of crops. Plant protection is the practice of managing weather, weeds, pests and diseases that damage or inhibit the growth of fruit, vegetable and other horticultural crops. The plant growth monitoring system is referred as plants require at least a few basic factors for proper growth, these are proper:

  • Irrigation
  • Temperature
  • SoilpH
  • Humidity
  • Amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Demonstrate the use maintenance of home things

Our College has been conducted awareness programme of demonstrate the use and maintenance about home things like cooker, mixie, electric iron on 27.09.2018. Student teachers have erudite about maintenance of home thinks.

In local agricultural dairy farms

Our student teachers has been participate "dairy farm practices" in our College dairy farm on 27.09.2018. These practices must ensure that the milk and milk products produced are safe and suitable for their intended use, and also that the dairy farm enterprise is viable into the future, from the economic, social and environmental perspectives. Most importantly, dairy farmers are in the business of producing food for human consumption so they must be confident in the safety and quality of the milk they produce. Good dairy farming practice underpins the production of milk that satisfies the highest expectations of the food industry and consumers.

Demonstrate and practice use of first aid box

Our College has been conducted awareness programme of demonstrate and practice use of first aid and emergency medicine on 27.09.2018. Elucidated by our medical college doctor, our students have been erudite about first aid and emergency medicine from awareness programme.

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  • +91 70944 66484

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  • dsce_bed@yahoo.co.in


  • Thuraiyur Road, Perambalur - 621 212
  • Tamilnadu.