Visit To Human Uplift Home (Aids Affected Children) At Senjeri
Our Students teachers has been visited to the human uplift home on 11.04.2018, students teacher has been interface with pupils and donate Stationary Items, snacks, biscuits for the children’s in the home at Senjeri.
Extension Activities & Consultancy Services
Our students were participated in various extension works like architecture work in different areas.
Extension Activities
Various extension activities are conducted by the college. The following are some among them
- Health education programme
- Value education
- Environmental Education
- Awareness programme on pollution
- AIDS Awareness programme
- Health & Hygiene awareness programme
- Blood Donation
- Books Donation
- Health and nutrition campaigning for the rural school children
The following consultancy services are provided by the college free of cost, to the villagers around the college.
- Food preparation
- Cosmetic preparation
- Domestic preparation
- Preparation of phenyl
- Pot making and pot painting
- Preparation of stationery items
- Preparation of Arts and crafts materials
- Book binding