There's no shortage of innovation happening in schools today. We see it every time we visit a new school - whether it's in my own backyard or on the other side of the world. But while all of that innovation is encouraging, it tends to happen in isolation - in a single classroom behind closed doors or in a few schools or districts. In order for meaningful changes to take hold in education, we must find a way to scale this good work.So,we are taking an important step toward making that happen.
Innovative Schools are getting ready to greet key decision-makers from around the world, who will visit their schools to experience first-hand how these highly recognized schools have successfully implemented technology to support world-class learning environments. Our student teachers visited Gowthama buthar dem and deaf high school at Perambalur on 07.04.2022
The main objective of early intervention centres is to identify infants and young children with Hearing Impairment/Mental Retardation/Visual Impairment / Cerebral Palsy/ Autism/ Multiple Disabilities and to provide early intervention services to address the disability with medical and rehabilitation services. It also provides required training to parents and families of such children for social adjustment and to facilitate the maximum development of the children with disabilities.
Innovative Schools are getting ready to greet key decision-makers from around the world, who will visit their schools to experience first-hand how these highly recognized schools have successfully implemented technology to support world-class learning environments. Our student teachers visited Gowthama buthar dem and deaf high school at Perambalur and House hope school at Senjeri on 22.1.2020.
There's no shortage of innovation happening in schools today. We see it every time we visit a new school - whether it's in my own backyard or on the other side of the world. But while all of that innovation is encouraging, it tends to happen in isolation - in a single classroom behind closed doors or in a few schools or districts. In order for meaningful changes to take hold in education, we must find a way to scale this good work.So,we are taking an important step toward making that happen.
Innovative Schools are getting ready to greet key decision-makers from around the world, who will visit their schools to experience first-hand how these highly recognized schools have successfully implemented technology to support world-class learning environments. Our student teachers visited Gowthama buthar dem and deaf high school at Perambalur on 21.12.16 to 23.12.16.
The main objective of early intervention centres is to identify infants and young children with Hearing Impairment/Mental Retardation/Visual Impairment / Cerebral Palsy/ Autism/ Multiple Disabilities and to provide early intervention services to address the disability with medical and rehabilitation services. It also provides required training to parents and families of such children for social adjustment and to facilitate the maximum development of the children with disabilities.
Our Students teachers has been visited to the Gowdhamaputhra trust on 11.04.2018, students teacher has been interface with pupils and donate Stationary Items, snacks, biscuits for theGowdhamaputhra trust at perambalur.