Shakespeare Literary club has been Organized the Club activities on 28.12.2022 in our College. Ms.K.Jenani Student Teacher welcomed the gathering, Principal Felicitated the gathering .Mr.M.Senthil, Assistant Professor Introduced the Chief guest to gathering. Respected chief guest Dr.G.Moorthy, Asst professor & HOD of English, arrived from Govt. Arts & Science College in Veppandhattai. He delivered precious speech about "Role Modal of the Teacher", emphasize on the role of teacher in Society . It offers a competing platform for the knowledge-hungry students and promises to cultivate a passion for , Creative Writing, Elocution, etc., among the student Teacher. Ms.R.Abirami StudentTeacher ended the programmed with her vote of thanks.
KOWTOW-19 Literary club has been conducted on 03.4.2019 in our College. Honorable chief guest Dr.G.Moorthy, Asst professor & HOD of English, arrived from Got Arts & Science College in Veppanthattai. He delivered precious speech about "Glimpse of Literature", his spoke very valuable to our literature students. Student teacher has been participated like vice, Drama of Tempest, writing of poem and Dance.
Learning English Language is directly proportional to the employability of students and it enhances the quality of students by promoting good communicative skills among them. English Literary club is functioning to promote these products in an effective way. As a part of its various activities, eminent experts in English Language teaching are brought to our campus to orient our students on successful pedagogical patterns for teaching and learning English.